Staff Resources

*Teachers and staff – we’re always looking for additional resources/links for this page! Please email Ali with suggestions!

Important Stuff

Time off requests – you may have to click ‘submit’ and then ‘confirm’ – your time off is not submitted until you see a screen that says your response has been recorded.

Planning for Class
  • Scholastic Book Wizard – find books by reading level and interest level.
  • ReadWriteThink – lesson plans and resources you can sort by topic, learning objective, grade level and more
  • Digital Teachers Project: giant list of digital learning links!
  • Illuminations –   lessons and interactive online math manipulatives/activites for students
  • Helping with Math – more lessons and interactive online math manipulatives/activities for students
  • Cybrary Man – an online link library. There is a page on just about every topic. Good starting place for specific student interests. 
  • Free Technology for Teachers – tons of FREE online resources along with descriptions of how they can be applied in education
Professional Development
Learning Plans
  • Teampedia – a wiki of group-building games and activities
Going Google
  • Bloomin’ Google – a site that breaks down different Google apps by which Bloom’s Taxonomy division they might aid.
  • Classroom Activities  – PDFs related to many of the apps and explaining how to integrate them into the classroom
  • Lesson Plans – full lesson plans in a variety of subject headings using Google Apps
  • A Google A Day  – each day, a new search puzzle. Great for learning about the different features of Google search and problem-solving.
  • Google Apps Training Center – go through individual modules for Gmail, Docs and more.
  • Netiquette Handout – a worksheet I made to go over some of the social expectations of communicating online.
  • Google Apps How-Tos – instructions on how to do some common tasks, such as forwarding your Gmail to your HC email.
  • Google Docs for Teachers – a free ebook with great step-by-step instructions on how to use the different parts of Google Docs. Great if you’re just getting started.

Something broken, nor working, or acting weird on a school computer?

Click here to send a tech request.


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